The Way to Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living

Tips of the Way to Happiness:

1) Take care of yourself:
- Get care when you are ill
- Keep your body clean
- Preserve your teeth
- Eat properly
- Get rest
2) Be temperate
- Do not take harmful drugs
- Do not take alcohol to excess
3) Do not be promiscuous
- Be faithful to your sexual partner 
Sex is the big step on the way to happiness and joy. There is nothing wrong with it if it is followed with faithfulness and decency.
4) Love and help children
The way to happiness has on its route the loving and the helping of children from babyhood to the brink of adult life.
5) Honor and help your parents
The way to happiness includes being on good terms with one's parents or those who brought one up.
6) Set a good example
The way to happiness requires that one set a good example for others.
7) Seek to live with the true
 - Do not tell harmful lies
- Do not bear false witness
The way to happiness lies along with the road to truth.
8) Do not murder
The way to happiness does not include murdering or your friends, your family or yourself being murdered. 
9) Do not do anything illegal
The way to happiness does not include the fear of being found out.
10) Support a government designed and run for all the people
The way to happiness is hard to travel when shadowed with the oppression of tyranny. A begin government, designed and run for all the people, has been known to smooth the way: when such occurs, it deserve support.
11) Do not harm a person of good will
The way to happiness is far more easily followed when one supports people of good will. 
12) Safeguard and improve your environment
- Be good of appearance
- Take care of your own area
- Help take care of the planet
If other do not help safeguard and improve the environment, the way to happiness could have no roadbed to travel on at all.
13) Do not steal
The way to happiness can not be traveled with stolen goods.
14) Be worthy of trust
- Keep your word once given
The way to happiness is much, much easier to travel with people one can trust.
15) Fulfill your obligations
The way to happiness is very hard to travel when one is burden with weight of obligations which one is owned or which he has not discharged.
16) Be industrious
The way to happiness is a high road when it includes industriousness that leads to tangible production.
17) Be competent
- Look
- Learn
- Practice
The way to happiness is best traveled with competent companions.
18) Respect the religious beliefs of others
The way to happiness can become contentious when one fails to respect the religious beliefs of others.
19) Try not to do things to others that you would not like them to do to you
The way to happiness is closed to those who do not restrain themselves from committing harmful acts.
20) Try to treat others as you would want them to treat you

21) Flourish and prosper

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