Equality vs Equity (Bình đẳng và Công bằng)

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EQUALITY (bình đẳng) và EQUITY (công bằng)

Illustration of Equality vs Equity (source: Internet)
Equality  (BrE /iˈkwɒləti/; NAmE /iˈkwɑːləti/) is defined as ''the fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages, etc.''. That means everybody is having the same rights or being treated the same as other people, without differences such as race, religion or sex being considered.
- equal rights/pay- The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone).- the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances)
Equity  (BrE /ˈekwəti/; ; NAmE /ˈekwəti/) (UCN) (formal) a situation in which everyone is treated equally; synonym fairnessa society where justice and equity prevailopposite inequity(law, especially British English) a system of natural justice allowing a fair judgement in a situation which is not covered by the existing laws.
The rules of common law and equity are both, in essence, systems of private law.

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